Tuesday, October 27, 2009


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TINKERBELL! 5 years ago went to the petstore to buy the brand new kitty i had been oogling and googling over for several days. To my surprise, he had bought it, paid for it and on Christmas Eve he went to pick it up, only to find her gone! The stupid pet store had sold MY kitty to someone else!! She was dark colored expcept for her 4 white paws, her name was going to be socks and she was perfect! Warren franticly trying to find something else to do, searched the newspaper and found a lady with Show cats who her Siemese cat and Pixibob cat accidently got together and created a liter. Warren went to visit with her and feel in love with this one, in particular. And Christmas morning surprised me with Tinkerbell! We now call her a "pixamese" mix (siemese and pixibo, perfect to go along with her name!) She was our first baby. And more like a dog than a cat. She played catch, she played hide-n-seek and still is the COOLEST cat ever! She sleeps on me at night and always wants to be in your lap. She really is the best kitty in the world!! As fustrated as we were with the petstore (we still are, and will never buy anything from them again) we are very greatful for another blessing in disguise!
Happy Birthday miss Tinkerbell!

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